Oct 21 - Oct 25, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter
3 Year Olds Newsletter
Dear Parent,
Thank you to all who joined us for Trunk-or-Treat. It was a lot of fun!
This week we are exploring with pumpkins. We will read Pumpkin, Pumpkin and Froggy Picks a Pumpkin. We will learn about the parts of a pumpkin and get to pull out pumpkin seeds. We will try to hammer tees into a pumpkin. We will learn the "Five Little Pumpkins" fingerplay. We will fingerpaint with yellow and red to make an orange pumpkin and cut to match pumpkins pictures. We will search our room to find numbers and mark them on our pumpkin paper. We will count pumpkin seeds and bring some home to plant next year. We will find the letters of our name. Of course, we will sing songs about Halloween and counting to twenty. As you can see, we will be busy!
- Today your child is bringing home an order form for St. Patrick TM School spirit wear. These items could make excellent Christmas gifts. If you are interested, please return the order form with payment and we will make the items and return them to you, not send with your child in case they are for gifts. All sweatshirts and hoodies will be black with white lettering this year.
- Our Halloween party is on October 31st. No costumes please. Siblings and parents are invited. The AM class has 16 students and will party from 10:30-11:30. The PM class has 6 students and will party from 2:00-3:00.
- The offices of Safe Environment and Catholic Schools are working together to offer a presentation featuring Dr. Mandy Sanchez. Dr. Sanchez will be addressing the crisis of pornography in our world and the effects on children and families. This presentation is offered to ALL adults on Wednesday November 6th, 7:00 PM in St. Henry District High School’s Drees Homes Auditorium. A flyer with more information is attached.
- St. Patrick TM School Family Feast will be held on November 14th at 6:00 PM. Meat and drinks are provided. Please bring a dish to share. There will be a sign up coming soon.
- Remember to vote Yes on Amendment 2. Attached is more information. Please contact me if you have any questions. This could greatly benefit our school!
Have a blessed week!
Pamela Nunnelley
St. Patrick TM