Nov 4 - Nov 8, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter
3 Year Olds Newsletter
Dear Parent,
Today we will be talking about Veteran's Day. We will be making some cards to send to the VA hospital. We will listen to a story about Veterans, Veterans: Heroes in our Neighborhoods. If you know any veterans, please share that with your child and help them to show gratitude and respect for our heroes. We will also be working on centerpieces for our Family Feast for next week and working in our gratitude journal.
- November 12-Picture day. This is for any students or staff who did not get their picture taken on the first picture day.
- November 14- New Kids on the Block presentation to Preschool and Elementary school children. This will be a puppet show on bullying.
- November 14- St. Patrick School Family Feast at 6:00 PM. Please sign up at the following link:
- November 19- Protecting God's Children lesson. Information will be sent tomorrow.
Thank you for sharing your child with. We feel so blessed!
Pamela Nunnelley
St. Patrick TM