Nov 11 - Nov 15, 2024 - St. Patrick TM School Family Feast
4 Year Olds Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Please remember:
Upcoming events:
11/14- Family Feast
St. Patrick TM School Family Feast will be held on November 14th at 6:00 PM. Meat and drinks are provided. Please bring a side dish to share. Here is the link to sign up for a side dish and let us know how many family members will be coming.
11/15- All School Mass (AM ONLY) Once you have dropped your child off please stay and come to our 8:35AM mass with your child! The preschool leave right after the homily. See how they have learned to sit, pray and be respectful in church. Please send in a canned or box good for us to donate to the poor.
11/20-Library Day
11/27-11/29- Thanksgiving Break
This week letter Ii will come visit us.
- We will match the pictures to the sound, make a snowman head to hang in our classroom and sort out the upper and lower turkeys.
- Our religion for the week, we will be reading about how to take care of Gods creations.
On Monday we will:
- Find the letter Ii in stars and inside an iguana
- Sort and glue the letters on the correct buses
- Introduce our King/Queen for the week and make them a special book
- Answer the question of the day: What is your favorite ice cream?
- Read the letter “Ii Book”
Wednesday we will:
- Write and Trace the letter Ii and paste the correct sounds with the correct letters
- Design our I is for Indian corn art
- Read the King/Queens’ favorite book
- Answer the question of the day: Do you like insects?
- Read “If I Took My Frog To The Library”
Friday we will:
- Write 6 words that start with the letter Ii
- Find all the letter Is in our letter book
- Play a turkey hind and seek game
- Let the King/Queen show their Show N Tell
- Answer the question of the day: Do you have an Ii in your name?
- Read “I Love Tools”
Please bring a full water bottle everyday, ONLY WATER PLEASE.
We can not wait to see you all this week!
Thank You & God Bless,
Mrs.Whitney & Mrs.Cindy