May 7 - May 9, 2024 - A spring find and seek
Pre-K Newsletter
Hello pre-K families! This is our last full week of school. I can’t believe the end of the year is already here. Your kids have been a pleasure to teach and enjoy to watch grow. Please remember to work with them all summer on the skills they have already learned. please stay in touch through the years. I would love to see how your child grow. I will miss you all!
Just a reminder, we will have class on Tuesday May 14th for a fun day!!!!!
On Tuesday we will:
-A spring find and seek
-Count by 10 to 100 balloons
-Lifecycle of a butterfly
-What lives in the ocean?
-Lifecycle of a butterfly
-A butterfly ring
-We will play with the ABC carpets outside
-we will read “In the garden who’s been
On Thursday we will:
-Write our name online paper
-Dot to dot Octopus
-Who is your favorite letter, friend?
-Fun and safe in the sun
-Nature walk
-We will read “ Ocean”
Our science project this week is how do waves work? We will also be making a Father’s Day craft this week for the Mom’s to keep for the fathers in June.
Thanks and God bless you all,
Mrs Cindy Moore