Mar 5 - 7, 2024 The letter Tt and counting to 100
Pre-K Newsletter
Hello Pre-k families! The children are working so hard. They are learning and growing so much so far this year!! This week we are working on letter Tt and counting to 100. We are learning how to do addition problems up to 10.
On Tuesday we will:
-handprint tree
-Find all the T’s on the turtle
-healthy and not healthy
-addition puzzles
-what does Miss T use to stay happy
-we will read “ What if you had animal teeth?”
On Thursday we will:
-letter Tt book
-write name on lined paper
-snowflake ABC
-Find all the Tt’s to make the turtle
-Play a new card game called “Trash”
-We will read “ The Tooth”
Our science experiment this week is tornado in a bottle. For art this week we will be drawing ourselves with animal teeth.
Thanks and God bless you all,
Mrs. Cindy Morre