Jan 9-11, 2024 - The Letter Mm
Pre-K Newsletter
Hello Pre-k families. We will be working on letter Mm and number 20. Please remember to keep working on their letters and numbers at home. We are going to start writing our names on line paper.
On Tuesday we will:
-handprint monkey
-Find the letter M’s on the mouse
-What is saved to munch
-Sounds of M page
-Number 20 snowman count
-how high can you count
-we will read, “How Do Dinosaurs Say I’m Mad.”
On Thursday we will:
-Color the animals for the mitten story
-M book
-My mitten is big….
-Which has more Count and write
-Make a meeting for the story
-practice measuring
-We will read, “ The Mitten” and “M book”
Science experiment this week is magic milk. We will make a game, Knock Knock Little Mouse. We will play a monster ABC game. We will do a monster art.
Also just a reminder we are off Monday January 15 Martin Luther King day.
Thanks and God bless you all,
Mrs. Cindy Moore