Jan 28 & Jan30, 2025 - Letter Oo and Counting to 100
Pre-K Newsletter
Hello Pre-k families!
I hope you all are doing good. The children have been working really hard to get back into the swing of school. They all are growing and learning so much in class. Our new letter is Oo and counting to 100.
On Tuesday:
-Handprint owls
-Write letter Oo in binder
-Find letter O on the octopus
-Mr. O opposites
-Count to 100
-O’s sentences
-Opposite puzzle
-We will read, “There was an Old Lady Who
Swallowed a ……..”
On Thursday:
-Letter O book
-Write name on lined paper
-Orchard game
-Ocean animals direction page
-Ocean I spy
-Pattern occupation
-Opposite page
-We will read, “There’s Only One You”.
Catholic schools week is this week.
Tuesday-we will make cards to say thank you to our
Thursday- wear green or St. Patrick spirit wear
For a science experiment this week, we will talk about oil and water and how it will not mix. We will also make octopus art, and we will be working on assessments.
Thanks and God bless you all,
Mrs. Cindy Moore
Cindy Moore