Jan 27 - 31, 2025 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter
3 Year Olds Newsletter
Dear Parent,
This week we will be reading a story by Jan Brett, The Mitten. We will learn a song that goes with the story. The children will bring home the characters in the story on Thursday so they can retell the story to you. Our learning goals are : I can listen to a story, I can retell the story, I can sing a song, I can trace, I can follow directions, I can identify body parts, I can count mittens, I can match mittens, I can take turns, I can sew, and I can find the letters in my name. We will also be practicing our safety drills since the weather will be more mild this week. We will read in our Bible about how Jesus wants the children to come to Him. Progress reports will come home next week.
January 27-31 Catholic Schools Week
January 30 Parent Appreciation We would like to invite you to have a doughnut with your child at drop off time.
February 2- Open House from 12:00-2:00 Please tell family and friends. Open registration begins.
Here are the links:
Preschool registration:
School registration for grades K-6.: The school children will have a uniform in 2025-2026.
February 13- Valentine party (AM class 10:30-11:30, 16 students) (PM class 2:00-3:00, 7 students) We will make Valentine boxes at school. Parents and siblings are invited.
20 Tips for Parents From Preschool Teachers
Tip #3 Don't redo what they've done. If your child makes her bed, resist the urge to smooth the blankets. If she dresses herself in stripes and polka dots, compliment her "eclectic" style. Unless absolutely necessary, don't fix what your child accomplishes, says Kathy Buss, director of the Weekday Nursery School, in Morrisville, Pennsylvania. She will notice and it may discourage her.
Thank you again for allowing us to help your child grow in their relationship with Jesus. We are so grateful for you!
Pamela Nunnelley