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Pamela Nunnelley
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Jan 22-26, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter

3 Year Olds Newsletter

Dear Parent,

This week we will be learning the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty. We will sing it and listen to a story version that is a little different from the traditional nursery rhyme. We will be bringing home our own Humpty Dumpty on Thursday. Our learning goals are: I can listen to a story, I can sing a song, I can make a two-color pattern, I can trace an oval, I can tell the difference between an oval and a circle, I can count objects to 4, I can put a puzzle together, I can order the events in a story, I can use props to retell a story, I can cut on a line, and I can use motions while I pray.

Tips for Parents From Preschool Teachers

It struck me recently that I've never met a parent who doesn't use time-outs, and never met a preschool teacher who does. So what discipline strategies do teachers recommend?

17. Redirect. If your preschooler is jumping on the couch or grabbing for her big sister's dolls, distract her by asking if she'd like to draw a picture or read a short story together.

 I will be sending home the mid-year assessments on Tuesday. Please look for it in your child's folder.

 I heard some children were so eager to do the snow day packet even though it was not a snow day for them. I am sending home a five senses activity you can do if you wish and return for a prize. If you can not experience all the things listed on the paper, cross off and list what your child found for the senses.


February 4- Open House from 12:00-2:00.

February 13- Valentine Party (AM 10:30-11:30) (PM 2:00-3:00) Families are invited.

February 16- St. Patrick Lenten Fish Fry #1 4:30-7:30 PM Dine in and Drive Thru. Please consider helping, donating desserts or participating. Contact Mrs. Nunnelley if interested. There is a new Fish Fry volunteer meeting on February 3rd at 10:00 AM in the Hall.

February 18- Family Stations of the Cross from 9:45-10:45 in the church. All are invited.

*** Please remember we follow Kenton County Schools in the case of snow delays or closings. The only exception is if Kenton County is on a two hour delay. In that case, there will be no AM Preschool but PM preschool will meet at regular time. *****

Have a blessed week!


Pamela Nunnelley


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