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Pamela Nunnelley
/ Categories: 3 Year Olds

Jan 20 - 24, 2025 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter

3 Year Olds Newsletter

Dear Parent,

This week we are continuing to talk about winter and snow with the books Snowmen at Night and Snow. Today we looked at a "My Big World" magazine about things to do in the snow and looked for the letter "S" in the picture. We also followed directions to draw a snowman. We sorted items by those for the Winter and those for the Summer. We traced shapes to create a snowman and used playdough to roll snowballs. We sang a song about a snowman and built one using felt pieces. We looked at our Prayer table and found Mary, a crucifix, a rosary and some saint matching cards. We listened to a story from our Bible about Jesus choosing friends, Peter and Andrew, who were fishermen and sang the song "I Will Make You Fishers of Men." On Thursday we will use pompoms to copy a pattern on a snowman, find snowman matches, sort snowmen by small medium and large, and put buttons on the snowmen to match the numbers. We will even watch a video about snow. 


January 27-31 Catholic Schools Week 

January 30 Parent Appreciation We would like to invite you to have a doughnut with your child at drop off time.

February 2- Open House from 12:00-2:00 Please tell family and friends. Open registration begins.

Here are the links:

Preschool registration:

School registration for grades K-6.: The school children will have a uniform in 2025-2026.

  20 Tips for Parents From Preschool Teachers

Tip #2 Resist doing for her what she can do herself. While it may be quicker and easier to do it yourself, it won't help to make your child more self-sufficient. Quick hint: Appeal to her sense of pride, suggests Donna Jones, a preschool teacher at Southern Oregon University's Schneider Children's Center in Ashland, Oregon. "Whenever I'm trying to get kids to dress, put jackets on, sit on chairs during meals and so on, I'll ask them: 'Do you want me to help you or can you do it yourself?' Those words are like magic," promises Jones. "The kids always want to do it for themselves."

We will be working on having the children put on their own hats and coats with a little trick. See if they will show you. Have a blessed week and stay warm!


Pamela Nunnelley

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