Jan 1-5, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter
3 Year Olds Newsletter
Dear Parent,
Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you have enjoyed time off with family. We enjoyed our break and feel rejuvenated for the New Year. We will be reading the Christmas story and comparing the Nativity set inside and outside. We will also use our sense of touch to guess what is inside some presents and color pictures to match the color of the wrapping paper. We will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany with our Epiphany party. Thank you for all the gifts you have given to us and most importantly for the gift of your child. We are honored to be working with your child and helping your family grow in God's image.
Tips for Parents from Preschool Teachers
15. Encourage teamwork. If your child is fighting over a toy with another child, set a timer for five minutes, suggests Buss. Tell one child he can have the toy until he hears the buzzer, and then it will be the other child's turn.
January 4- Epiphany party at 10:30 for AM class and 2:00 for PM class. Families are invited. We will have a book exchange of $5 or less. Please mark if it is for a girl or boy or either.
We would like to invite you to Adoration led by one of our musicians, Lee Roessler, on January 7th from 9:45-10:45 AM. It will be held either in the Adoration chapel or the church depending on the number of people who are in attendance. Spend some time in prayer to start the new year!
February 4- Open House from 12:00-2:00 Please spread the word to your family and friends about our Open House for grades Preschool through Fifth grade for next year. You are our best advertisement. We will have yard signs available next week if you would be willing to put one in your yard. If you know someone who would be a good fit for our school as a teacher for next year for our 4th/5th grade class, please give them my contact information.
January 8- Bible Study on Jesus:The Way, the Truth and the Life will begin. Let me know if you are interested in more information and I can send it to you.
Have a blessed and peaceful week!
Pamela Nunnelley