Feb 5, 2024 - Mrs. Wells 2nd and 3rd Grade
Newsletter for Feb 5th
*Catholic Schools Week schedule… (since the boys were out the majority of last week, we will have our own little CSW celebrations for our class this week)
Monday–Spirit Day
Wear green, 1st grade plays games with 2nd & 3rd
Tuesday–Service Day
Thank you cards for people who help our school, scavenger hunt
Wednesday–Family Day
Donuts with family 8:00-8:30
Thursday–Faith Day
Prayer in Adoration Chapel, make cards for Fr. Jeff
Friday–Teacher Appreciation Day
students bring toy from home (no electronics please), movie & snack in the afternoon
*tissues…please send in cube shaped boxes of tissues when you can. There is an abundance of runny noses and each kiddo has a box of tissues and hand sanitizer at their desk.
*Hand sanitizer…If the alcohol based hand sanitizer dries out your son’s hands, please feel free to send in an alternative way to sanitize (maybe antibacterial hand wipes or hand sanitizer cream / lotion)
*permission form…look for a form to fill out in your son’s backpack for our field trip to visit the Passionist Nuns. on Tuesday, Feb 13
*St. Valentine’s Day party…we will celebrate St. Valentine on Wednesday, Feb 14. Our classroom party will be from 10:00-11:15.
*Pizza on Friday…Cilla’s family will be graciously providing pizza and a dessert for our class. No packed lunches, woohoo!!
*Mass…all school Mass on Friday at 8:30am
*Lent is approaching…Ash Wednesday falls on St. Valentine’s Day this year. Please be mindful and look for Lenten preparation materials to be coming home soon.
*Lessons for this week… Since the boys were absent quite a bit, the majority of our lessons will be what I planned for last week. The beautiful flexibility of our small class!
Math–(2nd grade) Addition of 3 digit numbers with regrouping
(3rd grade) fractions
Reading–The Albertosaurus Mystery, adjectives that compare, words with the sound of /j/ and /s/
Religion–discussion of the Sacraments and Lenten preparation
Spelling–we will use the same spelling lists as intended for last week
Social Studies–Duck for President and introduction to the election process (vocabulary words will be coming home tomorrow)