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Pamela Nunnelley
/ Categories: 3 Year Olds

Feb 25 - Mar 1, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter

3 Year Olds Newsletter

 Dear Parent,

This week we are reading Dr. Seuss books and introducing rhyming. This week we will also make our second Lenten symbol, a pretzel, and bring it home to share the prayer with you. We will also begin looking at the Stations of the Cross. Our learning goals are: I can listen to a story, I can follow directions in a song, I can use my imagination to create a creature, I can follow a pattern, I can find pictures hidden in the room, I can listen for rhyming words, I can take turns when playing a game, I can count objects to six, I can say a prayer, I can write my name using a model and I can stack blocks.


Attached is an updated list of Lenten opportunities here at St. Patrick Church.



March 1- All School Mass at 8:35 AM in the church.

March 1- Fish Fry #3 4:30-7:30 Dine in or Drive Thru. You can drop off donations of desserts with your child on Thursdays. Our dessert table has been overflowing. Thank you for your support!

March 26- Easter Egg Hunt at 11:00 for AM class and 2:30 for PM class. Parents and siblings are welcomed to attend.

Please send in donations of small items to go inside the eggs. Your donation does not have to be candy. Bouncy balls, tattoos, stickers, small bubbles, small playdoh, fidget toys, etc. as well as wrapped candy are all welcomed.


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Have a blessed week!


Pamela Nunnelley

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