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Pamela Nunnelley
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Feb 17 - 22, 2025 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter

3 Year Olds Newsletter

Dear Parent,

This week we are discussing dental health. We will be learning a tooth brushing song and the importance of brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Your child will be bringing a chart home to keep track of his/her toothbrushing for the week. When it is returned next week, he/she can get a prize. Our learning goals will be: I can listen to a story, I can sing a song, I can match sets of teeth to the numbers to 6, I can cut on a line, I can tell how to care for my teeth, I can determine if a food is healthy for my teeth or not, I can talk about what is happening in a picture, I can find tools that a dentist uses, I can take turns when playing a game, I can match letters, I can create a graph and I can use tweezers. Our story about Jesus this week is how he is the Good Shepherd taking care of us. We have been practicing the Our Father prayer with hand motions. Ask your child to show you.


  • We are looking for someone who would be willing to help with our social media presence. It is an area we are lacking in. If you are interested, please let me know.
  • Dr. Mandy Sanchez will be speaking again in March to parents and teachers about  Monitoring the Risks and Rewards of Gaming and Apps for Our Youth. This is free and an eye opener for all! Please try to attend. The flier is attached.
  • Fish Fry season is approaching.We need about 60 volunteers for each fish fry to make things run smoothly. If you are interested in helping, we will have a volunteer meeting on February 22nd at 9:00 AM in the Hall. Kitchen cleanup and set up will occur after the meeting with a pizza lunch at 12:00. Let me know if you have questions. Kids and adults can help at the Fish Fry. If you are unable to help please support us by dining or sending desserts.
  • The first Fish Fry is March 7th from 4:30-7:30 PM. Menus will be coming home in your child's folder.

Tips for Parents from Preschool Teachers

Tip #6 Praise is key, especially if your child is not in a cooperative phase. Try to catch her being good. Kids repeat behaviors that get attention.

Have a blessed week!


Pamela Nunnelley

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