Feb 12 - 16, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter
3 Year Olds Newsletter
Dear Parent,
This week we are learning about different kinds of love: the love between parents and children, between friends, and between God and us. We will be celebrating our Valentine's Day party tomorrow at 10:30 (AM class 17 students) and 2:00 (PM class 12 students.) Parents or Grandparents and siblings are welcome. We will be reading I Love You With All My Heart and making a gift for you. On Thursday we will begin talking about Lent and make a symbol with a prayer for the children to take home and share with you. Lent is the time when we remember Jesus' sacrifice of himself out of love for us. Without that sacrifice, we could not go to heaven. This is a hard concept for children to understand. They are, however, able to experience the love of the people God has placed in our lives and the sacrifices we can make for each other. I will be sending home a Lenten calendar of good deeds. Please post it in a prominent area and help your child do the good deed or sacrifice for that day. We will talk about how these kindnesses show Jesus that he is important to us too. Fr. Jeff has told the children that we can see how much Jesus loves us by looking at his outstretched arms. I have also challenged them when they see Jesus on the cross (a crucifix) to say "I love you too Jesus!"
February 14- Ash Wednesday Masses are at 7:35 AM and 7:00 PM.
February 16- St. Patrick Lenten Fish Fry #1 4:30-7:30 PM Dine in and Drive Thru. Please consider helping by donating desserts (drop off with your child on Thursdays), volunteering or participating. Contact Mrs. Nunnelley if more information is needed.
February 18- Family Stations of the Cross from 9:45-10:45 AM in the church. All are invited.
Attached are other Lenten Activities here at the parish.
Have a blessed week!
Pamela Nunnelley