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Dec 9 - Dec 13, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter
Pamela Nunnelley
/ Categories: 3 Year Olds

Dec 9 - Dec 13, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter

3 Year Olds Newsletter

Dear Parent,

This week we are continuing to learn about the true meaning of Christmas and make gifts for those we love. We are also thinking about what we would give Jesus if we could give him a present. We have been singing our Advent wreath song and looking for our shepherd. The morning class named the shepherd Lucy and the afternoon class named him Steve. Today we worked on matching letters and one to one counting. On Thursday, we will order the letters in our name.

On Thursday evening, we will have our first Christmas concert in the church. Please have your child in the Preschool room by 6:15. I am attaching a picture of where the three year old AM class and the three year old PM class will be standing in case you want to decide where the best vantage point is to see your child. We will have a cookie and hot chocolate reception afterward.


  • 12/7-12/12 Good News! Book Fair- You can shop with your child at pickup time or at the Christmas Concert.
  • 12/12 St. Patrick School Christmas Concert at 6:30 PM.  Please have your child to school by 6:15 PM. Refreshments will be served afterward.
  • 12/14 Bambinelli Blessing and Christmas Tree Lighting at St. Mary's Park, Cathedral Square from 5:30-7:00 PM. Bring the Baby Jesus from your Nativity for a blessing from Bishop Iffert. Snacks provided.
  • 12/15 St. Patrick Parish Advent Penance Service at 2:00 PM
  • 12/23-1/3 Christmas Break

Several parents have asked how they can support the parish giving tree. They are in need of Kroger or Walmart gift cards to give to families, boxes of multipack snacks, cases of soft drinks, or toys for any age, especially older children.

We will have an Epiphany party after Christmas break instead of a Christmas party, since the Epiphany is when the wise men brought their gifts to Jesus. At the party, we will have a wrapped book exchange. You could consider purchasing a book from the book fair to use for the exchange. Please address the gift "To a Boy" or "To a Girl" from your child's name.

More information will come next week about the Epiphany party.

We can't wait to see you at the concert! Have a blessed week!


Pamela Nunnelley

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