Dec 2 - Dec 6, 2024 - This week letter Kk will come visit us.
4 Year Olds Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Welcome Back! Hope you all were able to relax and enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Please bring in a wrapped book by Jan 6th for our book exchange at the Epiphany Party. Please just write To a Boy or To a Girl then from your child name.
Example: To a Girl From Mrs. Whitney
Letter Kk is going to come visit us this week! We will have our Christmas sensory table set up and the children will be able to decorate our class’s Christmas Tree.
Our religion for the week will be reading about how we prepare for Christmas and start Advent.
Upcoming events:
- 12/6- Parents Night Out - Please bring back the forms so we can have enough supplies.
- 12/6-12/12- School Wide Book Fair
- 12/12- Christmas Concert. Please have your child at school by 6:15pm. After the concert we will have refreshment’s after in the under Croft.
- 12/23-1/3- Winter Break
- 1/6- Epiphany Party Parents & Siblings are welcome. 4am/PreK class 10:30-11:30am. 4pm 2:00-3:00
Monday we will:
- Find the letter Kk in stars and on a King
- Match the letter Kk on the correct bus
- Make our King/Queen book
- Answer the question of the day, “What is your favorite ball to Kick”
- Read “The Letter K Book”
Wednesday we will:
- Write the letter Kk and sort the pictures that start with the letter Kk
- Make our letter K art, K is for King (Jesus)
- Answer the question, “ Can you kick a ball?”
- Read the King/Queen’s favorite book
Friday we will:
- Write our 6 letter K words
- Find our letter Ks in our letter book
- Play a letter sound game
- Answer the question, “ Do you have a K in your name?”
- Read, “The Kissing Hand”
Please bring a full water bottle everyday, ONLY WATER PLEASE.
We can not wait to see you all this week!
Thank You & God Bless,
Mrs.Whitney & Mrs.Cindy