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Pamela Nunnelley
/ Categories: 3 Year Olds

Dec 16 - Dec 20, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter

3 Year Olds Newsletter

Dear Parent,

This is our last week before Christmas Break. Tomorrow your child will be bringing home a gift from one of the parish families, the McCubbins. This week we will be busy finishing one last Christmas gift, wrapping the gifts we made, sorting Christmas items and counting them. We will also practice our safety drills. Miss Lise will be coming from the Library on Thursday. We will sing songs and have fun together!

We will have an Epiphany party after Christmas break instead of a Christmas party, since the Epiphany is when the wise men brought their gifts to Jesus. At the party, we will have a wrapped book exchange. Please address the gift "To a Boy" or "To a Girl" from your child's name. You may send in your wrapped book before the party if you wish.

I unfortunately was not able to take any pictures at the Christmas concert. If you have any you would like to share, I would love to see them! We enjoyed having you here. The children were awesome!

Thank you for your support and trust in us. We are so grateful for your families and wish you a peaceful and blessed Christmas!



12/23-1/3 Christmas Break

1/8 Chipotle fundraiser for the school (A flyer is coming home and one is attached to share with others)

1/9 Epiphany party 10:30-11:30 (AM class) and 2:00-3:00 (PM class) Parents and siblings are invited. 

Pamela Nunnelley
St. Patrick TM


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