Apr 29 - May -4, 2024 - The Letter Z
4 Year Olds Newsletter
Dear parents,
We finally made it all the way to letter Z! It’s sad that the year is almost over, but we still have some AMAZING weeks coming up!
Monday we will:
Find the letter Z in stars and find the Zs on the Zamboni.
Play with shaving cream and write our names in it.
Trace the letter Z and color the pictures that begin with Z.
Go around the room and find the letters and write them down.
Our last letter friend will come visit with us and we will read his/her book.
Wednesday we will:
Cut/paste pictures with the letter Z sound and write the letter Z.
Do our Z is for zoo art.
Our religion is about how we can grow and be like Jesus.
Go around the room and find the numbers 1-10 and write them down.
We will read “Put me in the Zoo”.
Friday we will:
Write our 6 letter Z words.
Find our Zs in our Z book.
Play a game to match the upper case letters to the lower case letters.
Play with wooden blocks and build towers.
5/13 will be our last day of school.
5/13- Combine day AM & PM classes will come from 830am-1130am. NO PM CLASS. Then from 1130am-1pm will be Park Day at Mills Rd Park(back by the volleyball courts)
DON’T forget NO PM CLASSES ON 5/13.
5/16- Graduation Night 6:30pm (please have your child there by 6:15 in our classroom) After we will have a little party in the undercroft with cookies and juice.
Please bring a full water bottle everyday, only with water please.
We cannot wait to see you all this week!
Thanks & God Bless,
Mrs.Whitney, Mrs.Cindy & Ms. Nicole