Apr 22-26, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter
3 Year Olds Newsletter
Dear Parent,
This week we are learning about bugs. On Tuesday we will read and learn about caterpillars and butterflies with the book Waiting for Wings. On Thursday we will read about ladybugs. We are working on our end of the year assessments since we only have seven class days left this year! We will be cutting, tracing, sequencing, identifying shapes, identifying letters in our names, counting objects, sorting, following movements and looking for insects with respect for God's creatures.
Chef Barone kits will be ready for you to take home at pick up time tomorrow.
April 25- Picture Day Only those children who return the picture contract with payment will have individual photos taken. All children will be included in the class photo.
May 14- Last day at school
May 16- Combined Park Day at Mills Road Park 9:30-11:30 for AM and PM classes and families
Have a blessed week!
Pamela Nunnelley