Sep 16-20, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter
3 Year Olds Newsletter
Dear Parent,
This week we are learning about apples. We listened to the book Ten Apples Up on Top today. We looked at a "My Big World" magazine about apples which should be in your child's folder. We practiced tracing circles and used glue to put one apple on each circle on the apple tree. We also began singing an apple song which we used to find our names on different colored apples. We held our apple names on our heads while we walked across the balance beam. On Thursday we will be gluing pictures of apples next to their matches and learning an apple game. We will be observing apples and noticing things about them. Since this is last minute if you are able, please send in an apple with your child. I will have extras if you are not able to send one in. We will also be tasting them to see which color is our favorite. We will look for these parts on the apple: stem, skin, flesh and pips (seeds).
Last week we looked at different images of Jesus in church. This week I will see if the children can find them again. We are learning the "Guardian Angel Prayer" in class and how to make the sign of the cross.
Today your child brought home the field trip permission slip for our trip to Benton Farm on October 1st. Please be sure to fill out both sides and send in cash or check made out to St. Patrick. We will not have regular class that day. We will meet at the Farm instead.
Phoenix's (in the morning class) mom asked me to share this with you:
Histiocytosis Awareness Month is celebrated in September to shine the light on histiocytic disorders, to foster hope in the Histio Community, and to inspire people to learn more about Histiocytosis. You may not know, Phoenix (our youngest son) was diagnosed with LCH (langerhans cell histiocytosis) back in March 2023, had brain surgery to remove one of the legions on/in his skull and is now on a chemo pill every day for at least one more year. His most recent scans show there is no more legions in his body and the holes in his skull have healed shut! His scan results said he is “HEALED” and there is only one who can do that, God! I wanted to share this for Histiocytosis awareness month and encourage you to ask any questions you may have. Others may have the same questions or it may be a good question we have yet to think of and ask his doctor. Also, we have been introduced to two other kids with LCH (Kaylin and Owen) and would love prayers for their healing and process as well 💙 Thank you for all the prayers for our brave boy!
Book orders are due by Thursday if you would like to order. You do that online.
September 19- Field trip forms are due with payment
October 1st- Field trip to Benton Farm
Have a blessed week!
Pamela Nunnelley