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Pamela Nunnelley
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Preschool Parent News

Week of September 26-30

Dear Parent,

This week we are learning about the farm in preparation for our trip to Benton Farm on Tuesday, October 4th. Remember we will not be meeting at school but at the farm instead. While your child will prefer you be there at the farm with him/her, we understand if you are not able to stay. In that case, your child can stay with the teacher while at the farm. Please let us know if this is your situation. If you prefer your child not attend, that is up to you but please let us know. We read two books today: One Red Rooster and Spots, Feathers and Curly Tails. We counted and identified farm animals in the first and used clues to guess the farm animal in the second book. We sorted animals that we found in our classroom mailbox by whether we could find them on a farm or not and also by color. We also played a game, Guess What is Missing. The children were great at it! 

Our learning goals for this week are: I can listen to a story, I can identify animals, I can sort animals, I can snip with scissors, I can use glue on the back of the picture, I can make a tractor with shapes, I can count up to three objects, I can pick up things with tongs, I can identify farm animals by their sounds, and I can follow directions.



September 29- Field trip money and permission slip due

September 29- School picture orders are due (optional)

October 4- Field trip to Benton Farm 9:30-11:30 Meet at the farm.

October 13- Grandparents' Day from 10:30-11:30


Thank you for sharing your little blessings with us. Mrs. Whitney, Miss Nicole and I are so lucky!


Pamela Nunnelley

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