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Oct 7 - Oct 11, 2024 - This week letter Dd will come visit us

4 Year Olds Newsletter

Dear Parents, 
This week letter Dd will come visit us. 
We will be matching upper and lower case dinosaurs eggs. 
Our sensory table will be filled with dinosaurs. 

Our religion for the week is that we are all very special to God. Every living thing is special on their own way. 

On Monday we will:
Do our letter Dd patterns 
Draw our King of the week 
Sort and glue the letter Dd & Ee on the correct buses 
Introduce our King/Queen for the week and make them a special book
Answer the question of the day: What is your favorite Dinosaur?
Read the “Letter Dd book”

Wednesday we will:
Find the upper and lower case Dd in a dragon fly
Make a dinosaur out of the letter D
Read the King/Queens’ favorite book
Answer the question of the day: Do you have a Dog? 
Read “Groovy Joe, Ice Cream & Dinosaurs” 

Friday we will:
Write 6 words that start with the letter Dd
Find all the letter Ds in our letter book
Do dinosaur patterns 
Let the King/Queen show their Show N Tell
Answer the question of the day: Do you have a D in your name?
Read “ Little Dino’s Don’t Push”

Please remember:
Upcoming events:
10/9- Grandparents’ Day 
            4am/PreK class 10:30-11:30am
            4pm 2:00-3:00
10/14- Fall picture day
10/16- Library Day
10/18- Trunk or Treat @ St.Pats
6:00-8:00 PM . Please let us know if you want to decorate a trunk.
10/30- Halloween Party- Parents & Siblings are welcome. 
            4am/PreK class 10:30-11:30am
            4pm 2:00-3:00

We have more spots available for anyone to decorate a trunk for our trunk or treat. Please let us know if you want to do one. 

Please have your child wear close toe shoes. We will go play outside when the weather is nice and we don’t want anyone falling due to the wrong shoes.

If you are the first car in our car pick up line, please pull all the way up to the no parking sign so that we are staying off Mills Road.

Please bring a full water bottle everyday, ONLY WATER PLEASE. 


We can not wait to see you all this week! 

Thank You & God Bless,
Mrs.Whitney & Mrs.Cindy

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