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Pamela Nunnelley
/ Categories: 3 Year Olds

Jan 9-13, 2024 - 3 Year Olds Newsletter

3 Year Olds Newsletter

Dear Parent,

This week we are learning about how animals cope with Winter. We will be watching some videos about animal adaptations and hibernation. We will also be reading the book Bear Snores On. Our learning goals for this week are: I can listen to a story, I can sequence the events in a story, I can share, I can match dots on a die to numbers on a paper, I can count to 9, I can use scissors to cut on a line, I can follow directions, I can match objects by size and identify small, medium and large, I can trace a path with my finger and a crayon, I can make dots to match a number, I can find my name, I can look at a magazine and I can sing songs.

Registration for Preschool for next school year will be opening this week. I will email you as soon as it is live. 

*** Please remember we follow Kenton County Schools in the case of snow delays or closings. The only exception is if Kenton County is on a two hour delay. In that case, there will be no AM Preschool but PM preschool will meet at regular time. I will send home on Thursday some activities you can do in case of a snow day. They will be  completely optional.*****


February 4 Open House from 12:00-2:00 Yard Signs are available by the doors at drop off time. Please share the attached announcements on your Facebook or Instagram pages.

Have a blessed week!


Pamela Nunnelley



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