Jan 30-Feb 1, 2024 - The Letter Pp & Counting to 100
Pre-K Newsletter
Hello pre-k families! We are working on letter Pp and counting to 100. Please remember to keep practicing letters, sounds of letters, and numbers.
Tuesday we will:
-handprint pineapple
-find all the Pp’s on the penguin
-P maze
-Match the right color picture with the right
-what stamp did P buy?
-we will read “The Pout Pout Fish”
Thursday we will:
-make the letter P book
-right name online paper
-lifecycle of a penguin
-Mrs. P sentences
-rhyming puzzle game
-ABC maze
-slap the hearts on the wall
-we will read “Pig”
Science experiment is pencil in a water bag. For Art we will be making a puppy dog heart.
This week is Catholic School’s week.
On Monday wear green and we will be playing games with the kindergartners.
On Wednesday at drop off, stay to have a doughnut breakfast with your child from 8-8:30.
We just wanted to tell everyone that on February 18th there will be family Stations of the Cross during CCD time (9:30-10:45) All are welcome!
Thanks and God bless you all,
Mrs. Cindy Moore