Jan 20 - 25 - This week letter Nn will come visit us.
4 Year Olds Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Hope you all enjoyed your Monday off!
Letter Nn is going to come visit us this week! We will do a Humpty Dumpty A-Z look & find and an Itsy Bitsy Spider 1-20 look & find.
Our religion for the week is God promised Noah that he would always love and care for every living thing no matter what.
Upcoming events:
• 2/2 Open House 12pm-2pm
• Registration is open
Preschool Link
School Link Grade K-6th
• 2/12 Valentine’s Day Party Parents, Grandparents and Siblings are welcome.
4AM/Pre-K 10:30am-11:30am
4PM 2:00pm-3:00pm
Monday we will:
Wednesday we will:
• Cut/Paste letter N pictures and write the letter N
• Make our letter N art, N is for Numbers
• Find the letter N in our N book
• Answer the question, “ Do you have a nose?”
• Read “Humpty Dumpty”
Friday we will:
• Write 6 letter N words
• Do a Noah’s Arks craft
• Circle of the letter N in a star & my in a nest
• Answer the question, “ Do you have an N in your name?”
• Read “ Itsy-Bitsy Spider”
Please bring a full water bottle everyday, ONLY WATER PLEASE.
We can not wait to see you all this week!
Thank You & God Bless,
Mrs.Whitney & Mrs.Cindy