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Cindy Moore
/ Categories: Newsletters, 4 Year Olds

Jan 1, 2024

4 Year Olds Newsletter

Dear Parent,

We hope everyone is ready to ring in the new year! 
This week will be a short week, but we will still have a great week! 

We will be focusing on letters on Wednesday: matching ABC snowflakes, matching a melting snowman with the letter and its sound and matching the upper and lower case on a snow mountain. 

Friday we will focus on numbers: calendar look and find numbers, Are you my number? and matching ornaments with numbers on them to numbers on cards, as well as writing in our journals.

If you have not brought in a book for our Epiphany Party, please do with your child’s name and if it’s for a boy/girl on it.  

Things to Remember:
January 3rd- 1st day back and our Epiphany Party. AM class 10:30am-11:30am, PM class 2pm-3pm. Parents and siblings are welcome. 
January 15th- No School MLK Day
January 17- Library Day
January 29-February 2- Catholic School Week.

Please bring a full water bottle everyday, only with water please.


We cannot wait to see you all this week! 

Thanks & God Bless,
Mrs.Whitney, Mrs.Cindy & Ms. Nicole

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